Perfect, Fluffy Milk Bread
Found on this reddit post. See this video for more information about shaping the dough in Step 11.
Milk Bread Egg Wash
2½ cups all purpose flour
1 tbsp sugar
⅛ tsp salt
⅓ cup water, boiling
⅔ cup warm milk (about 100°F) [if you are in a humid climate, reduce the milk amount by 1-2 tbsp]
1 tsp instant yeast
3 large eggs
1½ tbsp oil
Preheat oven to 375°F.
In a mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, and salt. Mix with a spatula. Add boiling water and slowly incorporate.
Microwave some cold milk for about 30 seconds or until hot; add yeast and mix.
Pour into the flour and water mixture; add eggs and mix (The dough should be very sticky. DO NOT add more flour.)
Rest for 20 mins with a lid on, then add oil. Oil should make the dough not sticky.
Knead the dough until the oil is incorporated and it is sticky again. Cover and rest for 1 hour.
After one hour, punch the dough with floured hands until you have let most of the air out. It should be about the size the dough was before resting.
Split dough into three pieces.
Flour a surface and roll it out, folding both ways in. Then, smooth side down, roll it out with a pin.
With your hands, roll it into a roll (see video above) and place into a prepared bread tin. Rest in bread tin for 1 hour.
Prepare egg wash; using a brush, baste a thin layer onto the bread dough.
Bake at 375°F for 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and cool for 5 minutes. Serve by splitting the loaves open with your hands or cutting with a knife.